§ 5-3.1-23 Confidential communications. (a) No licensee or any employee of a licensee, including, but not limited to,clerks, paraprofessionals, and students under work-study programs on a paid orpro bono basis, shall disclose any confidential information obtained in thecourse of a professional engagement except with the written consent of theclient or former client, or as disclosure of confidential information ispermitted by subsection (c) or (d) of § 5-3.1-18 in connection with peerreviews or board investigations.
(b) This section shall not be construed as limiting theauthority of this state or of the United States or of an agency or court ofthis state or of the United States to subpoena and use the confidentialinformation in connection with any investigation, public hearing, or otherproceeding. Nor shall this section be construed as prohibiting a certifiedpublic accountant or public accountant whose professional competence has beenchallenged in a court of law or before an administrative agency from disclosingconfidential information as part of a defense to the court action oradministrative proceeding.