§ 5-31.1-3 Examining committees. (a) The chairperson shall appoint two (2) licensed dentist members of the boardand one public member to serve as an examining committee for applicantsapplying for licensure as dentists. The examining committee for dentists shallrecommend to the full board who shall recommend to the director applicants forlicensure to practice dentistry who meet all the requirements for licensureprescribed in this chapter, and other applicable sections and regulationsadopted under this chapter.
(b) The chairperson shall also appoint three (3) members ofthe board, one of whom is a licensed dentist, one of whom is a public memberand one of whom is a licensed dental hygienist, to serve as an examiningcommittee for applicants applying for licensure as dental hygienists. Theexamining committee for dental hygienists shall recommend to the full board whoshall recommend to the director applicants for licensure to practice dentalhygiene who meet the requirements for licensure prescribed in this chapter,other applicable sections and the regulations adopted under this chapter.
(c) The members of the examining committees shall serve for aterm of one year and may be reappointed.