§ 5-31.1-35 Penalty for violationsgenerally Evidence of unauthorized practice. Any person who practices or attempts to practice dentistry in this state,without being licensed by and registered with the board, or without registeringand obtaining annually a certificate of registration, as provided in thischapter, or who violates any of the provisions of this chapter, penalty for theviolation of which is not provided by law, and any person, firm, or corporationowning or carrying on a dental business and in that business employing orpermitting any person to practice dentistry in this state, without beinglicensed and obtaining an annual certificate as stated in this section, isguilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than twothousand dollars ($2,000) nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000), orimprisoned for not more than two (2) years, either or both, in the discretionof the court. In no case where any provision of this chapter has been violatedis the person violating the provision entitled to receive compensation forservice rendered. The opening or maintaining of a dentist's office, displayingof a dentist's sign or door plate, or the advertising in the public prints orby cards, circulars, posters, of a readiness to practice dentistry in thisstate by that person, firm, or corporation is evidence of the violation.