§ 5-31.1-37 Persons and practices exempt. The following practices, acts and operations are exempt from the operation ofthis chapter:
(1) Physicians in the regular discharge of their duties.
(2) The operation by bona fide students of dentistry ordental hygiene in the clinical departments or the laboratory of a school ofdentistry or dental hygiene approved by the American Dental AssociationCommission on Dental Accreditation or its designated agency or by the board ofexaminers in dentistry.
(3) The practice of dentistry by licensed dentists of otherstates or countries while appearing and operating as bona fide clinicians orinstructors in a school of dentistry or dental hygiene approved by the AmericanDental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation or its designated agencyand by the board of examiners in dentistry.
(4) The practice of dentistry by licensed dentists of otherstates or countries in conducting or making a clinical demonstration before anybona fide dental or medical society, association or convention; provided, thatthe consent of the board of examiners in dentistry to the making and conductingof the clinical demonstration must be first obtained.
(5) The practice of dentistry or dental hygiene by studentsof a school of dentistry or dental hygiene approved by the American DentalAssociation Commission on Dental Accreditation or its designated agency andunder the supervision of a licensed dentist, in any public hospital, or anyinstitution under the supervision of the state or in any program of the statedepartment of health, with the approval of the board of examiners in dentistryand the authorities of the school, as a part of the required training of thestudent.