§ 5-31.1-6.1 Dental hygienists and dentalassistants. Dentists licensed pursuant to § 5-31.1-6 may supervise and delegate to anydental hygienist licensed pursuant to § 5-31.1-6, working under thedentist's general supervision and who is employed on a regular basis by suchdentists any procedures which he or she may deem advisable; including initialoral health screening assessments and other procedures specified under section13 (or any comparable or successor section) of the rules and regulationspertaining to dentists and dental hygienists promulgated from time to time bythe department of health, and any such dental hygienists may engage in thepractice of dental hygiene under the responsibility of the supervising dentistsoutside of such dentists' office in order to render to residents of nursingfacilities licensed pursuant to chapter 17 of title 23, whether or not suchresidents are patients of record of the supervising dentist, without theon-site direct supervision of a dentist licensed pursuant to § 5-31.1-6,those dental services, procedures and duties that he or she has been educatedto perform and which are authorized by the board of examiners in dentistry.Dental hygienists working under general supervision in nursing facilities shallprovide documentation of initial oral health screening assessments to thesupervising dentist and to the licensed nursing facility for appropriatefollow-up assessment and treatment, as needed.