§ 5-31.1-8 Refusal of licensure. (a) The director upon recommendation from the board, after notice and hearingin accordance with the procedures prescribed in this chapter, shall refuse togrant the original license provided for in this chapter to any dentist, dentalhygienist and/or applicant who is not of good moral character, who does notmeet the requirements for licensure prescribed in this chapter and regulationsestablished by the board or director, who has violated any law involving moralturpitude or affecting the ability of any dentist, dental hygienist and/orapplicant to practice dentistry or dental hygiene, or who has been found guiltyin another state of conduct which if committed in Rhode Island would constituteunprofessional conduct as defined in § 5-31.1-10 and regulations adoptedunder these chapters.
(b) The director shall serve a copy of his or her decision orruling upon any person whose original certificate has been refused.