§ 5-33.2-13 Funeral establishment andbranch officer Crematories Inspections Denial of access. (a) Any licensed funeral director/embalmer employed, authorized and empoweredby the division of professional regulation may enter any funeral establishment,funeral establishment branch office or crematory licensed under the provisionsof this chapter, during the hours the funeral establishment, funeralestablishment branch office or crematory is open for business, for the purposeof inspecting the sanitary conditions, complaint investigations, andascertaining if the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulationsare being observed in the operation of the funeral establishment, funeralestablishment branch office or crematory. The inspector may request permissionfrom the department to be accompanied by another employee of the department ofhealth prior to an inspection. Failure or refusal of the person in charge ofthat funeral establishment, funeral establishment branch office or crematory topermit the inspection at all reasonable times shall be deemed sufficient causefor the revocation of any license issued to the funeral establishment, funeralestablishment branch office or crematory and any certificate of approval issuedby the division.
(b) Funeral establishments and branch offices and crematorieslicensed under the provisions of this chapter shall be inspected at least twiceeach year. Inspections shall include all areas of sanitation and public health,complaint investigations, as well as conformity with applicable section of thischapter and the rules and regulations.