§ 5-33.2-13.2 Cremation of human remains. (a) Cremation shall not take place until the necessary permits and consents areissued pursuant to § 23-3-18.
(2) A crematory shall not take custody of unidentified humanremains.
(3) Human remains designated for cremation shall be crematedwithout unreasonable delay.
(4) When the crematory is unable to cremate the human remainsimmediately upon taking custody, the crematory shall provide a holding facilitythat complies with any applicable public health law, that preserves the dignityof the human remains.
(5) Holding facilities must be secure from access by allunauthorized persons;
(6) A crematory shall not simultaneously cremate more thanone human remain within the same cremation chamber. The processing, packaging,storage and disposition of cremated remains shall be as prescribed in the rulesand regulations promulgated by the department of health division ofprofessional regulation.
(7) A crematory or funeral home shall be authorized todispose of the cremated remains which have been abandoned at the crematory orfuneral home for more than six (6) months. All reasonable attempts must be madeand diligence exercised to contact the person in charge who authorized thecremation.
(b) This section does not apply to the cremation of variousbody parts from different human bodies.