§ 5-33.2-15 Annual renewal of licenses. All licenses issued under the provisions of this chapter must be renewedannually by their holders, who shall pay to the division a yearly renewal feeof one hundred and thirty dollars ($130) for the renewal of a funeraldirector/embalmer's license, ninety dollars ($90.00) for each funeralestablishment branch office license and ninety dollars ($90.00) for thecrematory license. On or before the fifteenth day of November in each year, thedivision shall mail to each licensed funeral director/embalmer and to eachlicensed funeral establishment, funeral establishment branch office andcrematory an application for the renewal. Applications, accompanied by the feefor renewal, shall be filed with the division on or before the thirty-first dayof December in each year. Applications filed after the thirty-first of Decemberand on or before the fifteenth of January must be accompanied by a fee ofseventy dollars ($70.00) for funeral director/embalmers and funeralestablishments in addition to the previously established renewal fees. Anyfuneral director/embalmer who acts or holds himself or herself out as a funeraldirector/embalmer after his or her certificate has been lapsed shall bepunished as provided in this chapter. Any funeral establishment, funeralestablishment branch office or crematory who acts or holds itself out as afuneral establishment after its license has lapsed shall be punished asprovided in this chapter.