§ 5-33.2-4 Unlicensed practice unlawful. It is unlawful for any person to engage in, conduct, or hold himself or herselfout as engaged in the practice of funeral directing and/or embalming, or ofpreparing for or disposing of dead human remains by any means in this state orpreserving in any manner, dead human bodies, in this state, unless he or sheholds a funeral director/embalmer's license issued in accordance with theprovisions of this chapter. It is unlawful for any person, partnership,association, corporation, limited liability company, or other organization toopen or maintain a place or establishment at which to engage in or conduct, orhold himself, herself or itself out as engaging in or conducting, the businessof funeral directing without that place or establishment being licensed underthis chapter as a funeral establishment. Notwithstanding the provisions of thissection, a person under the supervision of a licensed funeral director/embalmeris allowed to: fulfill duties not specifically prohibited by this chapter, andthose duties allowed by the Federal Trade Commission funeral rule.