§ 5-33.3-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(a) "Funeral planning agent" means a person who is at leasteighteen (18) years of age, who has been duly and lawfully designated, and whohas accepted the designation, to act for the principal, and who has authorityand responsibility to make all arrangements, regarding funeral preparation,planning, the nature of the funeral goods and services to be provided, themanner in which funeral services are to be conducted, burial, and/or thedisposition of the principal's remains, including cremation, upon the death ofthe principal. The funeral planning agent may be a relative or a non-relativeof the principal, except as otherwise provided for in § 5-33.3-3(d).
(b) "Principal" means the person designating anotherindividual or individuals to serve as his or her funeral planning agent uponthe person's death.
(c) "Relative" means any person defined pursuant to theprovisions of § 5-33.2-24(2)(ii) (2)(vii).