§ 5-34.3-5 Permitted activities andjurisdiction. (a) A license to practice registered nursing issued by a home state to aresident in that state will be recognized by each party state as authorizing amultistate licensure privilege to practice as a registered nurse in such partystate. A license to practice licensed practical/vocational nursing issued by ahome state to a resident in that state will be recognized by each party stateas authorizing a multistate licensure privilege to practice as a licensedpractical/vocational nurse in such party state. In order to obtain or retain alicense, an applicant must meet the home state's qualifications for licensureand license renewal as well as all other applicable state laws.
(b) Party states may, in accordance with state due processlaws, limit or revoke the multistate licensure privilege of any nurse topractice in their state and may take any other actions under their applicablestate laws necessary to protect the health and safety of their citizens. If aparty state takes such action, it shall promptly notify the administrator ofthe coordinated licensure information system. The administrator of thecoordinated licensure information system shall promptly notify the home stateof any such actions by remote states.
(c) Every nurse practicing in a party state must comply withthe state practice laws of the state in which the patient is located at thetime care is rendered. In addition, the practice of nursing is not limited topatient care, but shall include all nursing practice as defined by the statepractice laws of a party state. The practice of nursing will subject a nurse tothe jurisdiction of the nurse licensing board and courts, as well as the laws,in that party state.
(d) This compact does not affect additional requirementsimposed by states for advanced practice registered nursing. However, amultistate licensure privilege to practice registered nursing granted by aparty shall be recognized by other party states as a license to practiceregistered nursing if one is required by state law as a precondition forqualifying for advanced practice registered nurse authorization.
(e) Individuals not residing in a party state shall continueto be able to apply for nurse licensure as provided for under the laws of eachparty state. However, the license granted to these individuals will not berecognized as granting the privilege to practice nursing in any other partystate unless explicitly agreed to by that party state.