§ 5-34-19 Expiration and renewal oflicenses. (a) The license of every person licensed under this chapter shall expire on thefirst day of March of every other year following the date of license. On orbefore the first day of January of every year, the director shall mail anapplication for renewal of license to people scheduled to be licensed thatyear. Every person who wishes to renew his or her license shall file with thedepartment a duly executed renewal application together with the renewal fee ofninety dollars ($90.00).
(b) Upon receipt of an application accompanied by payment offees, the department shall grant a renewal license effective March second andexpiring two (2) years later on March first, and that renewal license shallrender the holder a legal practitioner of nursing for the period stated on thecertificate of renewal. Every person seeking renewal of a license pursuant tothis section shall provide satisfactory evidence to the department that in thepreceding two (2) years the practitioner has completed the ten (10) requiredcontinuing education hours as established by the department through rules andregulations. The department may extend for only one six (6) month period theseeducational requirements if the department is satisfied that the applicant hassuffered hardship, which prevented meeting the educational requirement.
(c) Any person practicing nursing during the time his or herlicense has lapsed shall be considered an illegal practitioner and is subjectto the penalties provided for violation of this chapter.
(d) A licensee whose license has expired by failure to renewmay apply for reinstatement according to the rules established by the board.Upon satisfaction of the requirements for reinstatement, the board shall issuea renewal of license.