§ 5-34-24 Grounds for discipline oflicensees. The board of nurse registration and nursing education has the power to deny,revoke, or suspend any license to practice nursing; to provide for anon-disciplinary alternative only in situations involving alcohol or drug abuseor to discipline a licensee upon proof that the person is:
(1) Guilty of fraud or deceit in procuring or attempting toprocure a license to practice nursing;
(2) Guilty of a crime of gross immorality;
(3) Unfit or incompetent by reason of negligence or habits;
(4) Habitually intemperate or is addicted to the use ofhabit-forming drugs;
(5) Mentally incompetent;
(6) Guilty of unprofessional conduct which includes, but isnot limited to, all of the above and also:
(i) Abandonment of a patient;
(ii) Willfully making and filing false reports or records inthe practice of nursing;
(iii) Willful omission to file or record nursing records andreports required by law;
(iv) Failure to furnish appropriate details of a client'snursing needs to succeeding nurses legally qualified to provide continuingnursing services to a client;
(v) Willful disregard of standards of nursing practice andfailure to maintain standards established by the nursing profession; or
(7) Guilty of and willfully or repeatedly violating any ofthe provisions of this chapter and/or rule or regulation adopted pursuant tothis chapter.