§ 5-34-24.1 Non-disciplinary alternative. (a) The board of nurse registration and nursing education may provide for anon-disciplinary alternative in situations involving alcohol and drug abuse, orany mental illness as listed in the most recent revised publication or the mostupdated volume of either the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of MentalDisorders (DSM) published by the American Psychiatric Association or theInternational Classification of Disease Manual (ICO) published by the WorldHealth Organization and that substantially limits the life activities of theperson with the illness; provided, that the nurse agrees to voluntarilyparticipate in a program of treatment and rehabilitation.
(b) All records pertaining to a nurse's participation in thenon-disciplinary program areconfidential and not subject to discovery, subpoenaor public disclosure. Information related to the non-disciplinary program shallbe provided to the nurse's employer to ensure adequate worksite monitoring andcompliance.