§ 5-34-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Advanced practice nurse" means the status of qualifiedindividuals who hold an active license as a registered nurse and an activelicense as a nurse in an advanced role as defined under the provisions of thischapter or chapter 5-34.2.
(2) "Approval" means the process where the board of nursingevaluates and grants official recognition to basic nursing education programsmeeting established criteria and standards.
(3) "Certified registered nurse practitioner" is an advancedpractice nurse utilizing independent knowledge of physical assessment andmanagement of health care and illnesses. The practice includes prescriptiveprivileges. The practice includes collaboration with other licensed health careprofessionals including, but not limited to, physicians, pharmacists,podiatrists, dentists and nurses.
(4) "Department" means the department of health.
(5) "Health" means optimum well-being.
(6) "Healthcare" means those services provided to promote theoptimum well-being of individuals.
(7) "Licensed" means the status of qualified individuals whohave completed a designated process by which the board of nursing grantspermission to individuals accountable and/or responsible for the practice ofnursing and to engage in that practice, prohibiting all others from legallydoing so.
(8) "Nursing" means the provision of services that areessential to the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health throughoutthe continuum of life. It provides care and support of individuals and familiesduring periods of wellness, illness, and injury, and incorporates theappropriate medical plan of care prescribed by a licensed physician, dentist,or podiatrist. It is a distinct component of health services. Nursing practiceis based on specialized knowledge, judgment, and nursing skills acquiredthrough educational preparation in nursing and in the biological, physical,social, and behavioral sciences.
(9) "Practical nursing" is practiced by licensed practicalnurses (L.P.N.s). It is an integral part of nursing based on a knowledge andskill level commensurate with education. It includes promotion, maintenance,and restoration of health and utilizes standardized procedures leading topredictable outcomes, which are in accord with the professional nurse regimenunder the direction of a registered nurse. In situations where registerednurses are not employed, the licensed practical nurse functions under thedirection of a licensed physician, dentist, podiatrist or other licensed healthcare providers authorized by law to prescribe. Each L.P.N. is responsible forthe nursing care rendered.
(10) "Professional nursing" is practiced by registered nurses(R.N.s). The practice of professional nursing is a dynamic process ofassessment of an individual's health status, identification of health careneeds, determination of health care goals with the individual and/or familyparticipation and the development of a plan of nursing care to achieve thesegoals. Nursing actions, including teaching and counseling, are directed towardthe promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health and evaluation of theindividual's response to nursing actions and the medical regimen of care. Theprofessional nurse provides care and support of individuals and families duringperiods of wellness and injury, and incorporates where appropriate, the medicalplan of care as prescribed by a licensed physician, dentist or podiatrist orother licensed health care providers authorized by law to prescribe. Each R.N.is directly accountable and responsible to the consumer for the nursing carerendered.
(11) "Psychiatric and mental health nurse clinicalspecialist" is an advanced practice nurse utilizing independent knowledge andmanagement of mental health and illnesses. The practice may includeprescription privileges of certain legend medications, controlled substancesfrom Schedule II classified as stimulants, and controlled substances fromSchedule IV within the scope of their practice. The practice may includecollaboration with other licensed health care professionals, including, but notlimited to, psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, pharmacists, and nurses.The psychiatric and mental health clinical specialist holds the qualificationsdefined in § 5-34-40.1.