§ 5-34-40 Advanced practice nurse advisorycommittee. (a) The nine (9) member committee consists of two (2) certified registerednurse practitioners, two (2) certified registered nurse anesthetists, two (2)psychiatric and mental health clinical nurse specialists, one physician and two(2) consumers. The director of health shall appoint the committee. In makingappointments to the committee, the director shall consider persons recommendedby professional nurse organizations and professional medical associations. Theprofessional members of the committee shall be currently engaged in practice.The consumer members shall be: (1) knowledgeable in consumer health concerns;(2) a resident of the state; (3) not licensed as a health care practitioner;(4) not a parent, spouse, sibling, or child of a person licensed as a healthcare practitioner, and not a student in a professional program; (5) not havinga direct financial interest in health care services; (6) not a member or anemployee of any board of control of any public or private health care service.
(b) Each member appointment shall be for three (3) years,with no member serving more than two (2) consecutive three (3) year termsexcept that in making the initial appointments the director designates: four(4) members for a term of two (2) years; three (3) members for a term of three(3) years; and the consumer members for three (3) year terms.
(c) This committee must meet not fewer than two (2) times peryear. The committee has the following functions:
(1) To assess advanced nursing practice for the purpose ofimproving patient care.
(2) To review all complaints regarding advanced practicenurses, and recommend any and all disciplinary or corrective action that theydeem appropriate, including revocation and suspension of license, upon proofthat an advanced practice nurse has:
(A) Aided or abetted an uncertified person to practice as anadvanced practice nurse;
(B) Become addicted to the use of liquor or controlledsubstances;
(C) Negligently, willfully, or intentionally acted in amanner inconsistent with the health and safety of persons entrusted to his orher care;
(D) Had his or her authorization to practice as an advancedpractice nurse denied, revoked or suspended in another state;
(E) Engaged in the performance of medical functions beyondthe scope of practice authorized by the provisions of this chapter;
(F) Willfully failed to file or record medical records andreports;
(G) Mental incompetence; or
(H) Willfully failed to maintain standards established by thenursing profession.
(ii) The recommendation shall be submitted to the board ofnursing for implementation.
(3) To advise periodically to the board of nurse registrationand nursing education regarding advanced nurse practice.