§ 5-34-40.2 Licensing of psychiatric andmental health clinical nurse specialists. A license to practice as a psychiatric clinical nurse specialist shall beissued if the applicant meets the qualifications for the psychiatric and mentalhealth clinical nurse specialist. Persons who meet the qualifications of apsychiatric and mental health clinical nurse specialist, as stated in §5-34-40.1, and are currently licensed as psychiatric and mental health clinicalnurse specialists by examination or endorsement under the laws of another stateor territory of the United States and/or the District of Columbia shall beallowed to practice as psychiatric and mental health clinical nurse specialistsin this state for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from the date ofclearance by the board of nurse registration and nursing education of the RhodeIsland department of health, provided that they are licensed in this statewithin ninety (90) days. The original privilege to work ninety (90) days fromthe date of clearance shall not be extended or renewed.