§ 5-34-5 Board of nursing Qualifications of members. (a) Each member of the board of nurse registration and nursing education shall:
(1) Be a citizen of the United States;
(2) Be a resident of the state for at least one yearimmediately preceding appointment;
(3) File the statutory oath of office with the secretary ofstate before beginning the term of office; and
(4) Sign a conflict-of-interest statement.
(b) Each professional nurse member of the board shall:
(1) Be currently licensed as a registered nurse in the state;and
(2) Have at least five (5) years' experience in nursingpractice or administration, nursing service, or teaching or administration in anursing education program and is currently employed in nursing at the time ofappointment and employed in nursing for at least three (3) years immediatelypreceding appointment.
(c) Each practical nurse member of the board shall:
(1) Be currently licensed as a practical nurse in the state;and
(2) Have at least five (5) years' experience in practicalnursing and is currently employed in nursing for at least three (3) yearsimmediately preceding appointment.
(d) Each advanced practice nurse member of the board shall:
(1) Be currently licensed as an advanced practice nurse inthe state; and
(2) Have at least five (5) years experience in nursingpractice and is currently employed as an advanced practice nurse for at leastthree (3) years immediately preceding appointment.
(e) Neither member from the general public shall be a nurseor shall be enrolled in a nursing education program.