§ 5-34-7 Board of nursing Generalpowers. The board of nurse registration and nursing education is authorized, subject tothe approval of the director of the department of health, to:
(1) Adopt, review, or revise rules, and regulationsconsistent with the law that may be necessary to effect provisions of thechapter;
(2) Approve nursing education programs according to the rulesestablished by the board;
(3) Require standards for nursing practice within organizednursing services and the individual practice of licensees;
(4) Approve the examinations for licensure;
(5) Establish requirements to validate competence forreinstatement to the active list;
(6) Conduct hearings upon charges calling for discipline of alicensee or revocation of a license;
(7) Issue subpoenas to, compel the attendance of witnessesat, and administer oaths to persons giving testimony at hearings;
(8) Cause the prosecution or enjoinder of all personsviolating this chapter;
(9) Maintain a record of all its proceedings;
(10) Submit an annual report to the director of thedepartment of health;
(11) Utilize other persons that may be necessary to carry onthe work of the board;
(12) Conduct public hearings, investigations, and studies ofnursing practice, nursing education, and related matters and prepare and issuepublications that, in the judgment of the board, allow the nursing professionto provide safe, effective nursing services to the public;
(13) Determine qualifications necessary for prescriptiveprivileges for certified registered nurse practitioners;
(14) Grant certified registered nurse practitionersprescriptive privileges;
(15) Determine qualification necessary for the prescriptiveprivileges for psychiatric and mental health clinical nurse specialists; and
(16) Grant certified psychiatric and mental health clinicalnurse specialists prescriptive privileges.