§ 5-35.1-11 Freedom of choice for eyecare. (a) Any contract providing for health care benefits which calls for theexpenditure of private or public funds, for any purpose involving eye carewhich is within the scope of the practice of optometry, shall provide therecipients and/or beneficiaries the freedom to choose within the participatingprovider panel either an optometrist or physician to provide the eye care. Thisprovision shall be applicable whether or not the contract is executed and/ordelivered in or outside of the state, or for use within or outside of the stateby or for any individuals who reside or are employed in the state.
(b) Where the contracts call for the expenditure of public orprivate funds, for any purpose involving expenditure of public or privatefunds, for any purpose involving eye care, there shall be no discrimination asto the rate of reimbursement for the health care, whether provided by a doctorof optometry or physician providing similar services.