§ 5-35.1-19 Construction of glass lenses Violations Penalty. (a) No person shall distribute, sell, or deliver any eyeglasses or sunglassesunless those eyeglasses or sunglasses are fitted with heat-treated glasslenses, plastic lenses, lamination lenses, or lenses made impact-resistant byother methods. The provisions of this subsection do not apply if a physician oroptometrist, having found that those lenses will not fulfill the visualrequirements of a particular patient, directs, in writing, the use of otherlenses and gives written notification to the patient. Before they are mountedin frames, all impact-resistant eyeglasses and sunglass lenses, except plasticlenses, laminated lenses, and raised ledge multi focal lenses must withstand animpact test of a steel ball five-eighths (5/8) of an inch in diameter weighingapproximately fifty-six hundredths of an ounce (0.56 oz.) dropped from a heightof fifty inches (50"). Raised ledge multi focal lenses are capable ofwithstanding the impact test but do not need to be tested beyond initial designtesting. To demonstrate that all plastic lenses and laminated lenses arecapable of withstanding the impact test, the manufacturer of the lenses shallsubject to the impact test a statistically significant sampling of lenses fromeach production batch, and the tested lenses are representative of the finishedforms as worn by the wearer. Plastic prescription and plastic non-prescriptionlenses, tested on the basis of statistical significance, may be tested in uncutfinished or semi-finished form at the point of original manufacture.
(b) Any person convicted of violating the provisions of thissection shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars($500) for each violation.