§ 5-37.5-4 Long-term antibiotic treatment. (a) A physician may prescribe, administer, or dispense antibiotic therapy fortherapeutic purpose to a person diagnosed with and having symptoms of Lymedisease if this diagnosis and treatment plan has been documented in thephysician's medical record for that patient. No physician is subject todisciplinary action by the board solely for prescribing, administering ordispensing long-term antibiotic therapy for a therapeutic purpose for a patientclinically diagnosed with Lyme disease, if this diagnosis and treatment planhas been documented in the physician's medical record for that patient.
(b) Nothing in this section shall deny the right of the boardto deny, revoke, or suspend the license of any physician or discipline anyphysician who prescribes, administers, or dispenses long-term antibiotictherapy for a non-therapeutic purpose, or who fails to monitor the ongoing careof a patient receiving long-term antibiotic therapy, or who fails to keepcomplete and accurate ongoing records of the diagnosis and treatment of apatient receiving long-term antibiotic therapy.