§ 5-37.7-5 Regulatory oversight. (a) The director of the department of health shall develop regulationsregarding the confidentiality of patient participant information received,accessed or held by the HIE and is authorized to promulgate such otherregulations as the director deems necessary or desirable to implement theprovisions of this chapter, in accordance with the provisions set forth inchapter 17 of title 23 and chapter 35 of title 42 of the general laws.
(b) The department of health has exclusive jurisdiction overthe HIE, except with respect to the jurisdiction conferred upon the attorneygeneral in § 5-37.7-13. This chapter shall not apply to any other privateand/or public health information systems utilized within a health care provideror other organization that provides health care services.
(c) The department of health shall promulgate rules andregulations for the establishment of an HIE advisory commission that will beresponsible for recommendations relating to the use of, and appropriateconfidentiality protections for, the confidential health care information ofthe HIE, subject to regulatory oversight by the department of health. Saidcommission members shall be subject to the advice and consent of the senate.The commission shall report annually to the department of health and the RHIO,and such report shall be made public.