§ 5-37-12 Unauthorized practice ofmedicine. Any person who is not lawfully authorized to practice medicine within thisstate, and registered according to law, who practices medicine or surgery orattempts to practice medicine or surgery, or any of the branches of medicine orsurgery, after having received or with the intent of receiving, either directlyor indirectly, any bonus, gift or compensation, or who opens an office withintent to practice medicine, or holds himself or herself out to the public as apractitioner of medicine, whether by appending to his or her name the title ofdoctor or any abbreviation, or M.D., or any other title or designation implyinga practitioner of medicine, or in any other way, shall be imprisoned not morethan three (3) years, or fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), orshall suffer both fine and imprisonment; and in no case when any provision ofthis chapter has been violated shall the person violating these provisions beentitled to receive compensation for services rendered.