§ 5-37-14 Discrimination againstparticular schools Persons exempt from requirements Immunity fromliability. Nothing in this chapter or chapter 30 of this title shall be construed todiscriminate against any particular school or system of medicine, or toprohibit gratuitous services in case of emergency; nor shall these chaptersapply to commissioned surgeons of the United States army, navy, air force, ormarine hospital service, or to legally qualified physicians of another statecalled to see a particular case in consultation with a registered physician ofthis state, but who do not open an office or appoint any place in this statewhere they may meet patients or receive calls. No person licensed under thischapter, or members of the same professions licensed to practice in otherstates of the United States, who voluntarily and gratuitously and other than inthe ordinary course of his or her employment or practice renders emergencymedical assistance to a person in need of it, shall be liable for civil damagesfor any personal injuries which result from acts or omissions by these personsin rendering emergency care, which may constitute ordinary negligence. Thisimmunity does not apply to acts or omissions constituting gross, willful, orwanton negligence, or when rendered at any hospital, doctors' offices, orclinic where these services are normally rendered.