§ 5-39.1-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Board" means the state board of social work examinersfor licensure of social workers.
(2) "Clinical social work practice" means the professionalapplication of social work theories, methods, and values in the diagnosis,assessment, and treatment of cognitive, affective, and behavioral disordersarising from physical, environmental, or emotional conditions. Clinical socialwork services include, but are not limited to, diagnosis; assessment;evaluation; psychotherapy and counseling for individuals, couples, families,and groups; client-centered advocacy; consultation; and supervision. Clinicalsocial work services do not include psychological testing, and nothing in thischapter shall be construed to permit social workers to practice psychology.
(3) "Continuing education hours" means actual hours earned incontinuing education courses, seminars, and workshops.
(4) "Department" means the Rhode Island department of health.
(5) "Director" means the director of the Rhode Islanddepartment of health.
(6) "Division" means the division of professional regulationin the Rhode Island department of health.
(7) "Experience" means three thousand (3,000) hours ofpost-master's practice of clinical social work during a twenty-four (24) toseventy-two (72) month period of time immediately preceding the date ofapplication for licensure.
(ii) One thousand five hundred (1,500) hours must consist ofproviding clinical social work services directly to clients.
(8) "Supervision" means face-to-face contact with a licensedindependent clinical social worker for the purpose of apprising the supervisorof the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of each client; receiving oversightand guidance from the supervisor in the delivery of clinical social workservices to each client; and being evaluated by the supervisor. This contactmust consist of:
(i) A minimum of two (2) hours of supervision every two (2)weeks;
(ii) A minimum of one hour of supervision per twenty (20)hours of direct contact with clients, whether or not the number of hours ofsupervision required for a two (2) week period have been met;
(iii) One-to-one contact with the supervisor at leastseventy-five percent (75%) of the time with group supervision of no more thanten (10) supervisees during the balance of the time; and
(iv) Supervision by an individual other than the applicant'sparents, spouse, former spouse, siblings, children, employees, or anyonesharing the same household or any romantic, domestic, or familial relationship.