§ 5-39.1-7 Powers and duties of the board. (a) The organization, meetings, and management of the board shall beestablished by regulations promulgated by the department of health.
(b) In addition to the duties described in this chapter, theboard shall:
(1) Examine and pass on the qualifications of all applicantsfor licensure under this chapter, and recommend to the director that a licenseshall be issued to each qualified successful applicant, attesting to theapplicant's professional qualification to practice as a "licensed clinicalsocial worker" or a "licensed independent clinical social worker";
(2) Approve, oversee, and be responsible for all examinationsfor licensure under this chapter;
(3) Recommend that the director adopt rules and regulationsthat set professional practice standards for LCSWs and LICSWs;
(4) Establish standards for the continuing education ofsocial workers;
(5) Recommend modifications or amendments deemed necessary toeffectuate its purpose;
(6) Be responsible for all disciplinary functions carried outregarding all licensees under this chapter; and
(7) Have any other powers that may be required to carry outthe provisions of this chapter.