§ 5-4-10 Director's power to check weightof deliveries. Whenever in this state coal or coke is being transported by a licensee or otherperson to a purchaser or consumer, the director of labor and training, or hisor her agent or agents, may direct the person or persons having charge of thatcoal or coke to convey the coal or coke immediately to scales designated by thedirector of labor and training, or his or her agent or agents, and then thedirector, or his or her agent or agents, shall determine the quantity of thatcoal or coke and shall determine its weight, together with the tare weight, andshall direct the person or persons after unloading the coal or coke to returnimmediately to the scales where the original load was weighed and upon thatreturn the director, or his or her agent or agents, shall determine the tareweight. The scales designated by the director, or his or her agent or agents,used as previously stated may be the public scales of any city or town or anyother scales which have been tested and sealed and any scales as in thejudgment of the director are most convenient; provided, that the provisions ofthis section do not apply to coal or coke while being transported in trains orcars operated by any railroad or street railroad authorized to do business inthis state.