§ 5-40.1-12 Renewal of licenses Inactive status. (a) Upon the recommendation of the board, the director shall issue toapplicants who have satisfactorily met the licensure requirements of thischapter, a license to practice occupational therapy in this state. The license,unless sooner suspended or revoked, shall expire on the thirty-first (31st) dayof March, of each even year (biennially).
(1) On or before the first (1st) day of March of each evenyear, the administrator of the division shall mail an application for renewalof license to every individual to whom a license has been issued or renewedduring the current licensure period.
(2) Every licensed individual who desires to renew his or herlicense shall file with the division a renewal application executed togetherwith the evidence of continuing education requirements as delineated insubdivision (3) of this subsection and the renewal fee of ninety dollars($90.00) made payable by check to the general treasurer, state of Rhode Island,on or before the thirty-first (31st) day of March of each even year.
(3) On application for renewal of license, occupationaltherapists and occupational therapy assistants must show proof of participationin twenty (20) hours biennially in presentations, clinical instruction,publications, research, inservice programs, American Occupational TherapyAssociation-recognized conferences, university course, and/or self-studycourses.
(4) Upon receipt of a renewal application and payment of fee,the director shall, upon the recommendation of the board, grant a renewallicense effective the thirty-first (31st) day of March for a period of two (2)years, unless sooner suspended or revoked.
(5) Any individual who allows his or her license to lapse byfailing to renew it on or before the thirty-first (31st) day of March of thenext even year as provided in subdivisions (1), (2) and (3) of this subsection,may be reinstated by the director upon receiving a receipt from the divisionfor payment of the current renewal fee plus an additional forty dollars($40.00) made payable by check to the general treasurer, state of Rhode Island.
(6) An individual using the title "occupational therapist" or"occupational therapy assistant" during the time his or her license has lapsedis subject to the penalties provided for violation of those regulations andthis chapter.
(b) An individual licensed as an occupational therapist oroccupational therapy assistant in this state who does not intend to engage inthe practice of occupational therapy within this state during any year, mayupon request to the division, have his or her name transferred to an inactivestatus and shall not be required to register biennially or pay any fee as longas he or she remains inactive. Any individual whose name has been transferredto an inactive status pursuant to this section, may be restored to activestatus to practice occupational therapy without a penalty fee, upon the filingof an application for licensure renewal, the licensure renewal fee of ninetydollars ($90.00) made payable by check to the general treasurer of the state ofRhode Island, and any other information that may be requested by the division.