§ 5-40.1-5 Board of occupational therapypractice Powers and duties Office Compensation of members. (a) The board is authorized to recommend to the director of the department ofhealth for his or her approval the adoption and revision of any rules andregulations not inconsistent with law as necessary to enable it to carry intoeffect the provisions of this chapter.
(b) The board shall recommend only qualified applicants forlicensure. The board shall review applicants at least twice a year.
(c) The division of professional regulation shall adoptpolicies to be followed in the examination, licensure, and renewal of licensesof qualified applicants.
(d) The board shall conduct hearings upon charges calling forthe discipline of licensees or revocation of licenses as shall be necessary, inaccordance with the Administrative Procedures Act, chapter 35 of title 42. Theadministrator of professional regulation hasthe power to issue subpoenas andcompel the attendance of witnesses, and administer oaths to persons givingtestimony at hearings.
(e) The board shall maintain in the office of the division ofprofessional regulation a register of all persons holding a license.
(f) Members of the board shall receive no compensation fortheir services.