§ 5-44-15 Expiration and renewal oflicenses Continuing education Lapsed license. (a) The license of every person licensed under the provisions of this chaptershall expire on the first day of July of the next even-numbered year followingthe issuance of his or her license.
(b) On or before the first day of May of each even-numberedyear, the department shall mail an application for renewal of license to everyperson to whom a license has been issued or renewed during the cycle.
(c) Every licensed person who desires to renew his or herlicense shall file with the department a renewal application, executed,together with a renewal fee of three hundred and forty dollars ($340), on orbefore the first day of June in each even-numbered year. Upon receipt of arenewal application and payment of the renewal fee, the accuracy of theapplication shall be verified and the department may grant a renewal licenseeffective July 1st and expiring the June 30th in each even-numbered year.
(d) Every licensed psychologist who desires to continuelicensure as a licensed psychologist shall present satisfactory evidence to theboard and approved by rule or regulation of the board that the licensedpsychologist has completed a prescribed course of continuing licensedpsychological education.
(e) Any person who allows his or her license to lapse, byfailing to renew it on or before June 1st in each even-numbered year, asprovided in this section, may be reinstated by the department on payment of thecurrent renewal fee, plus an additional fee of forty dollars ($40.00). Anyperson using the title "psychologist" or offering services defined as thepractice of psychology under this chapter during the time his or her licensehas lapsed is subject to the penalties provided for violation of this chapter.