§ 5-44-18 Grounds for discipline. The board has the power to deny, revoke, or suspend any license issued by thedepartment in accordance with this chapter, or to discipline a psychologistupon proof that the person:
(1) Is guilty of fraud or deceit in procuring or attemptingto procure a license or temporary license;
(2) Is guilty of a felony or of a crime of immorality;
(3) Is habitually intemperate or is addicted to the use ofhabit-forming drugs;
(4) Is mentally incompetent;
(5) Is incompetent or negligent in the practice of psychologyand has violated the provisions of chapter 5-44 or the rules and regulationspromulgated hereunder;
(6) Has violated the ethical principles governingpsychologists and the practice of psychology, as adopted by the board and inforce at the time a charge is made regardless of whether or not the person is amember of any national, regional, or state psychological association; provided,that those ethical principles are a national recognized standard; and departurefrom or the failure to conform to the minimal standards of acceptable andprevailing psychology practice.
(7) Has practiced as a psychologist or has performed theduties of a psychologist without proper supervision by a psychologist licensedunder this chapter unless specifically exempted by this chapter.
(8) Has had their license revoked, suspended, privilegeslimited or other disciplinary action in another state or jurisdiction,including the voluntary surrender of a license.
(9) Has failed to furnish the department or its legalrepresentative information requested by the board as part of a disciplinaryaction.