§ 5-44-9 Qualifications of psychologists. An applicant for licensure shall submit to the board written evidenceacceptable to the department, verified under oath, that the applicant:
(1) Is of good moral character;
(2) Has received a doctorate degree in psychology from acollege or university whose program of study for that degree at that time meetsor exceeds the stated requirements for approval by the American PsychologicalAssociation, or its equivalent in terms of excellence of education andtraining, or a doctorate degree in an allied field whose education and trainingrequirements are substantially similar to current American PsychologicalAssociation standards of accreditation for the granting of a doctorate inpsychology;
(3) Has had the requisite supervised experience as deemedacceptable to the board as delineated in the rules and regulations;
(4) Has passed an examination conducted by the board todetermine his or her qualification for licensure as a psychologist, or isapplying under the provisions of § 5-44-11;