§ 5-48.1-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Director" means the director of the Rhode Islanddepartment of health.
(2) "Facility" means any health care facility licensed by thedepartment of health or the department of mental health, retardation andhospitals under the provisions of title 23 and title 40.1.
(3) "Health care provider" means any person licensed,registered, and/or certified by this state to provide, or lawfully providinghealth care services. These include, but are not limited to, a physician,hospital, nursing facility, intermediate care facility or other health carefacility, dentist, nurse, optometrist, podiatrist, physical therapist,psychiatric social worker, or psychologist.
(4) "Health care services" means acts of diagnosis,treatment, medical evaluation or counseling, or any other acts that may bepermissible under the health care licensing statutes of this state.
(5) "Person" means any individual, trust or estate,partnership, corporation (including associations, joint stock companies, andinsurance companies), state, or political subdivision or instrumentality of astate.