§ 5-48-13 Revocation and suspensionprocedure Reinstatement. (a) Notice, in writing, of a contemplated revocation or suspension of alicense, of this particular cause, and of the date of a hearing, shall be sentby registered or certified mail to the licensee at his or her last knownaddress at least fifteen (15) days before the date of the hearing.
(2) The individual against whom a charge is filed has theright to appear before the board in person or by counsel, or both; may producewitnesses and evidence on his or her behalf; and may question witnesses.
(3) No license shall be revoked or suspended without ahearing, but the nonappearance of the licensee, after notice, shall not preventa hearing.
(4) All matters upon which the decision is based shall beintroduced in evidence at the proceeding.
(5) The licensee shall be notified, in writing, of theboard's decision.
(6) The board may make any rules and regulations that itdeems proper for the filing of charges and the conduct of hearings.
(b) After issuing an order of revocation or suspension, theboard may also file a petition in equity in the superior court in a county inwhich the respondent resides or transacts business, to ensure appropriateinjunctive relief to expedite and secure the enforcement of its order, pendingthe final determination.
(c) An application for reinstatement may be made to theboard, which may, upon the affirmative vote of at least the majority of itsmembers, grant a reinstatement.