§ 5-48-2 Board of examiners Composition Appointments, terms and qualifications of members. (a) There exists within the department of health a board of examiners of speechlanguage pathology and audiology. The board shall consist of five (5) personswho are residents of the state, and who have worked within the state for atleast one year prior to their appointments.
(1) Two (2) members shall be speech language pathologists whohave practiced speech language pathology for at least five (5) years precedingappointment, are currently practicing speech language pathology, and holdactive and valid licensure for the practice of speech language pathology inthis state.
(2) One member shall be an audiologist who has practicedaudiology for at least five (5) years immediately preceding appointment, iscurrently practicing audiology, and holds active and valid licensure for thepractice of audiology in this state.
(3) One member shall be an otolaryngologist who holdscertification by the American Academy of Otolaryngology head and necksurgery, who is currently practicing otolaryngology, and holds active and validlicensure as a physician within this state.
(4) One member shall be a representative of the consumerpublic who is not associated with or financially interested in the practice orbusiness of speech language pathology or audiology.
(b) All appointments to the board shall be for the term ofthree (3) years. Members shall serve until the expiration of the term for whichthey have been appointed or until their appointed successors are qualified.
(c) When a vacancy upon the board occurs, the director of thedepartment of health shall, with the approval of the governor, appoint personswho are working within the state to fill the remainder of the vacant term.
(d) The board shall reorganize annually during the month ofJanuary and shall select a chairperson.
(e) A majority of currently filled positions shall constitutea quorum to do business.
(f) No person shall be appointed to serve more than two (2)consecutive terms.
(g) The first board and all future members shall be appointedby the director of the department of health, with the approval of the governor.
(h) The director of the department of health, with theapproval of the governor, may remove any member of the board for dishonorableconduct, incompetency, or neglect of duty.