§ 5-48-6 Licensure and regulation ofspeech language pathologists and audiologists. (a) Licensure shall be granted in either speech language pathology or audiologyindependently. A person may be licensed in both areas if he or she meets therespective qualifications.
(b) No person shall practice as, advertise as, or use thetitle of speech pathologist or audiologist as defined in § 5-48-1 in thisstate unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the provisions of thelaws of the state.
(c) Registered speech language pathologists and/oraudiologists may render services under the terms and provisions of the workers'compensation and rehabilitation laws.
(d) A provisional license for the clinical fellow (defined in§ 5-48-1(b)(5)) shall be required in speech language pathology for thatperiod of postgraduate professional experience as required in § 5-48-7. Aprovisional license shall authorize an individual to practice speech-languagepathology solely in connection with the completion of the supervisedpostgraduate professional experience.