§ 5-48-7 Qualifications of applicants fora license as a speech language pathologist. To be eligible for licensure by the board as a speech language pathologist theapplicant must:
(1) Be of good moral character;
(2) Apply to the department, upon a form prescribed by thedepartment;
(3) Submit the appropriate application fee;
(4) Submit an official transcript indicating possession of amaster's degree or a doctorate degree or equivalent in speech languagepathology from an educational institution accredited by the Council on AcademicAccreditation (CAA) of the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA)or other national accrediting association as may be approved by the board. Thedegree shall consist of course work in accordance with the current minimumrequirements for the certificate of clinical competence issued by the AmericanSpeech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) or other national accreditingassociation as may be approved by the board and delineated in the rules andregulations;
(5) Complete supervised clinical practicum experiences froman educational institution or its cooperating programs. The content of thepracticum shall be in accordance with the current minimum requirements for thecertificate of clinical competence issued by the American Speech LanguageHearing Association (ASHA) or other national accrediting association as may beapproved by the board and delineated in the rules and regulations;
(6) Pass a national examination in speech language pathologyas required by the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) or othernational accrediting association as may be approved by the board and delineatedin the rules and regulations;
(7) Present verification of a certificate of clinicalcompetence from the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) orother national accrediting association as may be approved by the board; and
(8) If applicable, present evidence from the board of speechlanguage pathology in each state in which the applicant has held or holdslicensure to be submitted to the board of this state, attesting to thelicensure status of the applicant during the time period the applicant heldlicensure in said state.