§ 5-48-9 Fees Late filing Inactive status Filing fees for support personnel registration. (a) The board may charge an application fee of fifty dollars ($50.00); abiennial license renewal fee of ninety dollars ($90.00) payable before July 1of even years (biennially); or a provisional license renewal fee of fiftydollars ($50.00) payable annually from the date of issue.
(b) Any person who allows his or her license to lapse byfailing to renew it on or before the thirtieth (30th) day of June of even years(biennially), may be reinstated by the board on payment of the current renewalfee plus an additional late filing fee of forty dollars ($40.00).
(c) An individual licensed as a speech language pathologistand/or audiologist in this state, not in the active practice of speech-languagepathology or audiology within this state during any year, may upon request tothe board, have his or her name transferred to an inactive status and shall notbe required to register biennially or pay any fee as long as he or she remainsinactive. Inactive status may be maintained for no longer than two (2)consecutive licensing periods, after which period licensure shall be terminatedand reapplication to the board shall be required to resume practice.
(d) Any individual whose name has been transferred to aninactive status may be restored to active status within two (2) licensingperiods without a penalty fee, upon the filing of:
(1) An application for licensure renewal, with a licensurerenewal fee of ninety dollars ($90.00) made payable by check to the generaltreasurer of the state of Rhode Island; and
(2) Any other information that the board may request.
(e) Audiology and speech language pathology support personnelshall be registered with the board within thirty (30) days of beginning work,or the supervising audiologist or speech language pathologist shall be assesseda late filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00).