§ 5-48-9.1 Continuing education. (a) On or before the thirtieth (30th) day of June of even years, every personlicensed to practice speech language pathology and/or audiology within thisstate shall complete not less than twenty (20) clock hours of continuingeducation within the preceding two (2) years and be able to presentsatisfactory evidence of completion to the board.
(2) Those persons holding licensure in both speech languagepathology and audiology must have completed and have evidence of completion ofnot less than thirty (30) clock hours of continuing education within thepreceding two (2) years.
(b) Continuing education hours may not be carried over fromone renewal period to the next.
(c) The board at its discretion may extend, reduce, or waivethe requirement for continuing education for hardship or other extenuatingcircumstances as the board deems appropriate.