§ 5-49-14 Powers and duties of department. The powers and duties of the department shall be as follows:
(1) To authorize all disbursements necessary to carry out theprovisions of this chapter.
(2) To supervise issuance of licenses "by experience" andapprove the preparation and administration of qualifying examinations to testthe knowledge and proficiency of applicants licensed by examination.
(3) To register persons who apply to the department and whoare qualified to engage in the fitting and sale of hearing aids.
(4) To purchase and maintain or rent audiometric equipmentand other facilities necessary to carry out the examination of applicants asprovided in § 5-49-7.
(5) To issue and renew licenses.
(6) To suspend or revoke licenses in the manner provided.
(7) To designate the time and place for examining applicants.
(8) To appoint representatives to conduct or supervise theexamination.
(9) To establish medical and technical knowledge andstandards applicable to the field.
(10) To appoint or employ subordinate employees.
(11) To determine work experience and educationalrequirements.
(12) To issue an annual report in conjunction with the boardof hearing aid dealers and fitters on its activities.
(13) To publish education and consumer material inconjunction with the board of hearing aid dealers and fitters as may assist thepublic in the appropriate use and purchase of hearing aids.