§ 5-49-6 Issuance of licenses andcertificates of endorsement. (a) The department shall register each applicant without discrimination whopasses an examination as provided in § 5-49-7. Upon the applicant'spayment of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per annum for each year of the term oflicense, the department shall issue to the applicant a license signed by thedepartment. The total fee for the entire term of licensure shall be paid priorto the issuance of the license.
(b) Whenever the board determines that another state orjurisdiction has requirements equivalent to or higher than those in effectpursuant to this chapter, and that this state or jurisdiction has a programequivalent to or stricter than the program for determining whether applicantspursuant to this chapter are qualified to dispense and fit hearing aids, thedepartment may issue certificates of endorsement to applicants who holdcurrent, unsuspended, and unrevoked certificates or licenses to fit and sellhearing aids in that other state or jurisdiction.
(c) No applicant for certificate of endorsement shall berequired to submit to or undergo a qualifying examination, etc., other than thepayment of fees, pursuant to § 5-49-11.
(d) The holder of a certificate of endorsement shall beregistered in the same manner as a licensee. The fee for an initial certificateof endorsement shall be the same as the fee for an initial license. Fees,grounds for renewal, and procedures for the suspension and revocation ofcertificates of endorsement shall be the same as for renewal, suspension, andrevocation of a license.