§ 5-49-7 License by examination. (a) Applicants who do not meet the experience qualification of former §5-49-5 on July 1, 1973, may obtain a license by successfully passing aqualifying examination, provided the applicant:
(1) Is at least twenty-one (21) years of age;
(2) Is of good moral character;
(3) Has an education equivalent to a four-year course in anaccredited high school; and
(4) Is free of contagious or infectious disease.
(b) Applicants for license by examination shall appear at atime, place, and before any persons that the department designates, to beexamined by means of written and practical tests in order to demonstrate thathe or she is qualified to practice the fitting and sale of hearing aids. Theexamination administered as directed by the board shall not be conducted in amanner that requires college training in order to pass. Nothing in thisexamination shall imply that the applicant possess the degree of medicalcompetence normally expected of physicians.
(c) The department shall give examinations as required.