§ 5-49-8 Temporary permits. (a) An applicant who fulfills the requirements regarding age, character,education, and health as provided in § 5-49-7, may obtain a temporarypermit upon application to the department. Previous experience or a waitingperiod shall not be required to obtain a temporary permit.
(b) Upon receiving an application as provided under thissection, and accompanied by a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), thedepartment shall issue a temporary permit which entitles the applicant toengage in the fitting and sale of hearing aids for a period of one year.
(c) A person holding a valid hearing aid dealer's andfitter's license is responsible for the supervision and training of thatapplicant and maintain adequate personal contact.
(d) If a person who holds a temporary permit under thissection has not successfully passed the licensing examination within one yearfrom the date of issuance of the permit, the temporary permit may be renewed orreissued once upon payment of a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee.