§ 5-49-9 Scope of examination. The qualifying examination provided in § 5-49-7, " license byexamination", shall be designed to demonstrate the applicant's adequatetechnical qualifications by:
(1) Testing knowledge in the following areas as they pertainto the fitting and sale of hearing aids:
(i) Basic physics of sound;
(ii) The anatomy and physiology of the ear; and
(iii) The function of hearing aids.
(2) Testing practical proficiency in the following techniquesas they pertain to the fitting of hearing aids:
(i) Pure tone audiometry, including air conduction testingand bone conduction testing;
(ii) Live voice or recorded voice speech audiometry,including speech reception threshold testing and speech discrimination testing;
(iii) Masking when indicated;
(iv) Recording and evaluating audiograms and speechaudiometry to determine proper selection and adaptation of a hearing aid;
(v) Taking ear mold impressions; and
(3) Testing knowledge of the medical and rehabilitationfacilities for children and adults in the area being served.