§ 5-5.1-3 Powers and duties of theattorney general. The attorney general or his or her designee shall have general responsibilityand authority for the implementation of this chapter, as subsequently provided,including, without limiting the responsibility and authority:
(1) To process all applications for any license providedunder this chapter;
(2) To investigate the qualifications of each applicantbefore any license is issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and toobtain a criminal background check on any applicants from the division ofcriminal identification within the department of the attorney general;
(3) To hear and decide all license applications, whichincludes the power to grant or deny the application and revoke or suspend thelicense;
(4) To promulgate any rules and regulations that in his orher judgment are necessary to fulfill the policies of this chapter;
(5) To investigate violations of this chapter and regulationspromulgated under this chapter; and
(6) To collect all license and registration fees imposed bylaw and forward the fees immediately to the general treasurer.