§ 5-5-10 Grounds for suspension andrevocation of licenses. (a) A license may be suspended or revoked if the licensee:
(1) Violates any provisions of this chapter or rules andregulations promulgated under this chapter;
(2) Practices fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;
(3) Makes a material misstatement in the application for orrenewal of the license;
(4) Commits any act that would disqualify the qualifyingagent.
(b) After the licensee has exhausted the right of appeal or,if the licensee does not seek a hearing, the licensee shall immediately ceaseto operate the business for the time period provided in the order of suspensionor permanently in the case of revocation and shall notify all of its clients ofthe revocation or suspension and maintain a copy of the notices in its businessrecords.
(c) Under circumstances in which the local licensingauthority determines that the public health, welfare, or safety may bejeopardized by the termination of a licensee's services, that local licensingauthority may, upon his or her own motion or upon application by the licenseeor any party affected by the termination, extend the time for the terminationof the licensee's operations, subject to any reasonable, necessary and properconditions or restrictions that he or she deems appropriate.