§ 5-5-20 Exemptions. (a) Nothing in this chapter includes the activities of any person employed byany federal or state agency or any city or town as an investigator. Nothing inthis chapter shall be construed to require a detective's license in order tointerview parties and/or witnesses in legal matters.
(b) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require adetective's license of any of the following:
(1) An agent, employee, or assistant to a licensed"detective" whose duties are in connection with the regular and customarybusiness of his or her contracting agency;
(2) A person engaged in earning his or her livelihood bygenealogical work and the compilation of family history while so engaged;
(3) An insurance investigator;
(4) A credit reporting bureau or agency whose business isprincipally the furnishing of information as to business and financial standingand credit responsibility; or
(5) An individual employed as a computer forensic specialistwho holds professional certification as a computer examiner.