§ 5-50-1 Definition of terms. Whenever used in this chapter:
(1) "Business day" means any day except Sunday or a legalholiday.
(2) "Buyer or Purchaser" means a natural person who entersinto a health club contract.
(3) "Department" means the department of attorney general,unless otherwise described.
(4) "Disability" means a condition that will exist for morethan forty-five (45) days and prevents a buyer from utilizing the health clubto the same extent the buyer did before the commencement of the condition.
(5) "Health club" means any corporation, partnership,unincorporated association, or other business enterprise offering facilitiesfor the preservation, maintenance, encouragement, or development of physicalfitness or well-being in return for the payment of a fee entitling the payer tothe use of the facilities. The term includes, but is not limited to, "healthspas", "health clubs", "health studios", "figure salons", "sports clubs","aerobic dance studios", "weight control studios", "gyms", and anywhereexercise facilities are available; but does not include any non-profitorganization, any private club owned and operated by its members, or anyfacility owned or operated by the state of Rhode Island or any of its politicalsubdivisions.
(6) "Health club contract" means a written statement where abuyer is entitled to membership in a health club or use of the facilities of ahealth club for a period longer than seven (7) days.
(7) "Seller" means any person, firm, corporation,partnership, unincorporated association, franchise, franchisor, or otherbusiness enterprise which operates a health club or which offer or enters intocontracts for health club services.
(8) "Services actually received" includes any period duringwhich the facilities of the health club are available to the buyer and areactually used by the buyer.
(9) "Unopened facility" means a health club that is not fullyconstructed, open or available for use at the time the seller and buyer enterinto a contract for health club services.